Education administrators (UA): Dan Fog Enevoldsen: Department of Educational Anthropology and Educational Psychology Simon Kjærgaard Larsen: Department of Educational Sociology Julie Torp Olsen: Department of Education Studies Natasja Thandi Kappel Pedersen: Department of Educational Theory and Curriculum Studies, General Education, Educational Philosophy
Research support: Hanne Ryge Nielsen: Department of Educational Sociology and Department of Educational Theory and Curriculum Studies, General Education, Educational Philosophy Lise Wendelboe: Department of Educational Psychology and Department of Educational Anthropology and Educational Psychology
Administrators Campus Aarhus: Bolette Hansen and Susanne Hammer Samuelsen
Administrator for the professional Master's degree programmes: Simon Kjærgaard Larsen
Affiliate professors: Henrik Nitschke
Allocation of rooms list:Anders E. Kristiansen (Emdrup) / Bolette Hansen (Aarhus)
Appointments and recommendations: Job advertisements, academic and technical administrative staff: Charlotte Fisker Jensen Job advertisements, part-time academic and technical administrative staff: Charlotte Fisker Jensen Appointments without job advertisements of part-time academic staff on degree programmes (part-time lecturers, teaching assistants and research assistants engaged in teaching only): Charlotte Fisker Jensen Appointments without job advertisements of research assistants for research tasks, technical/administrative staff (including student assistants), interns and staff in jobs with salary subsidies: The department's research administrators Appointments of student assistants in the Secretariat: Bolette Hansen (Aarhus), Else Thousig (Emdrup)
Appointments: Interviews with academic and administrative positions (Coordinator): Charlotte Fisker Jensen, Blette Hansen (Aarhus)
AV equipment (camera equipment, recorders etc.): can be borrowed from student assistants in room A316, emails to DPU, Aarhus: Dictaphones can be borrowed from student assistants in room 1483-632, emails to
Burglary: The police (call 114 immediately) and contact Christine Wernberg Dalhoff
Cases of applying for access to documents:(on research cases, etc.) Christine Wernberg Dalhoff
Child certificates for employees: Charlotte Fisker Jensen
Coffee for meetings in Emdrup: Can be ordered via no later than two working days before the meeting in question. Student assistants make coffee and perform other services for meetings of 5-25 people. If there are more than 25 participants, they order refreshments in the canteen.
Coffe for meetings in Aarhus: The student assistants make coffee, etc. for meetings with between 5 and 25 participants. Order via no later than the day before 12 noon. If there are more than 25 participants and ALL orders with refreshments, where there is a need for cake, sandwiches or other things from Nobelparkens Kantine and otherwise all orders that are not in the DPU meeting rooms in building 1483, will be forwarded to Nobelparkens Kantine . Can be ordered via See also Procedure for ordering refreshments for meetings at the Danish School of Education, Aarhus Campus
Company trainees:Anders E. Kristiansen
Conferences, seminars - less than 25 participants: Please contact the research support: In Emdrup: Hanne Ryge Nielsen and Lise Wendelboe. In Aarhus Bolette Hansen and Susanne Hammer.
Copyediting: The department’s pool for copyediting articles written in English before submission to international publications is administered by Simon Rolls
Courses - internal VIP: Stine Trentemøller (research) and Louise W. Jacobsen (education)
Daily management meetings: Secretary to: Lars Jensen
Department forum: Secretariat: Lars Jensen
DPU Service, headed by: Else Thousig
E-invoicing, INDFAK: Maibritt Wraa Nielsen, Dan Fog Enevoldsen, Else Thousig, Bolette Hansen (Aarhus)
Editor of Asterisk: Mette Roland-Kjærsgaard
Editor of Pædagogisk Indblik: Carsten Henriksen
Education consultant: Louise Weinreich Jakobsen: Production of strategies, analyses and background reports, and assistance in connection with appointments for degree programmes
Emeritus Applications/Extensions by Emeritus: Charlotte Fisker Jensen
Emply Hire (Recruitment system): Charlotte Fisker Jensen, Christine Wernberg Dalhoff
GDPR: Stine Trentemøller (research), Louise W. Jacobsen (research), Christine Wernberg Dalhoff (administration and physical archival material)
Grant administration: Louise W. Jacobsen
Harassment cases from external parties – handling: Christine Wernberg Dalhoff
Head of department: Secretary to: Lars Jensen and Charlotte Wilbech Andersen
Holidays - registation: mails to: (please send any questions to Lise Wendelboe and Anders E. Kristiansen at
Homepages - the departments: Department education administrators
IT equipment: If you want a new computer, software licences or other IT equipment write to (Anders E. Kristiansen in Emdrup/in Aarhus via Bolette Hansen). Small orders (less than DKK 500) can be made directly in the IT Department's service desk.
Job interviews for academic and administrative positions (coordinator): Charlotte Fisker Jensen DPU, Aarhus: Bolette Hansen
Key Card - applying of access areas to new key card: Staff in Emdrup contact your department's research administrators, in Aarhus contact Susanne Hammer Samuelsen
Management team - meetings: Secretariat: Lars Jensen
Mobile phones: Christine Wernberg Dalhoff
Newsletter, internal: Charlotte Wilsbech Andersen, Lise Wendelboe
Occupational Health and Safety representative TAP: Lise Wendelboe
Personal data editors:Anders E. Kristiansen, Lise Wendelboe, Charlotte Fisker Jensen
PhD courses and WIP seminars: Maibritt Skovgaard Wraa Nielsen
PhD dissertations, electronic submitting of: By mail to Minna Elo, PhD administrator,, Tåsingegade 3, Building 1443-417, 8000 Aarhus C (Aarhus)
RejsUd (travel and expense claim system): Maibritt Skovgaard Wraa Nielsen
Research consultants: Henrik Nitschke and Stine Trentemøller: consultants for research and knowledge exchange, cooperation agreements, contracts
Research news externally: Carsten Henriksen and Mette Rolan-Kjærsgaard
Scholarship Administration:Louise W. Jacobsen
Secretary for the head of department: Lars Jensen
Sickness, calling in: Mails to: (please send any questions to Lise Wendelboe and Anders E. Kristiansen via
Social media - SoMe (DPU's LinkedIn, Instragram and Facebook profiles): Carsten Henriksen, Mette Rolan-Kjærsgaard and Stinne Anker Christensen
TAP representative for the Academic Council: Henrik Nitschke
TAP representative in House committee Campus Aarhus: Bolette Hansen and Susanne Hammer Samuelsen
TAP representative in House Committee Emdrup: Louise W. Jakobsen and Christine Wernberg Dalhoff
TAP representative in the Departmental Counsil: Louise W. Jakobsen
TAP representative in the Cafeteria Committee, Emdrup: Christine Wernberg Dalhoff and Else Thousig
TAP representative in the Nobelparken Cafeteria Committee, Aarhus: Susanne Hammer Samuelsen
Transscriptions: Simon Rolls can put you in touch with student assistants
Train tickets/DSB app - for teaching and meetings in Aarhus:Anna-Sofie Floor Koed (room A307f) administer the digital app - get help via
Vip-O-Matic: Education and other departmental tasks: Hanne Ryge Nielsen, Bolette Hansen and Anders E. Kristiansen. Hours spent on external projects: Henrik Nitschke
Visiting researchers and PhDs less than 14 days (admission, visa, etc.): In Emdrup: Hanne Ryge Nielsen,Simon Rolls in the absent of Hanne Ryge Nielsen. In Aarhus Bolette Hansen, Susanne Hammer Samuelsen.
Visiting scholars and guest PhD visits over 14 days (admission, visa, residence permit, equipment, etc.): Hanne Ryge Nielsen, Simon Rolls in the absent of Hanne Ryge Nielsen
Welcoming new members of staff: Department administrators, Christine Wernberg Dalhoff (Emdrup) / Bolette Hansen (Aarhus)
Word: Super user: Lise Wendelboe
Work-related injuries, report: Christine Wernberg Dalhoff, Lise Wendelboe
Workzone (record-keeping): Super users: Charlotte Wilsbech Andersen and Lise Wendelboe