Rosie Alexander

Postdoc i Afdeling for Uddannelsesvidenskab. Per 1/8/24. Campus Emdrup

Hi, I am Rosie, and I’m really looking forward to joining DPU! I am a researcher from Scotland who specialises in career development and guidance, with a particular interest in small rural and island communities.

I currently live in the Orkney Islands in Scotland and I am moving to DPU for an MSCA postdoctoral fellowship looking at career guidance in the Danish islands of Mors, the Southern Funen archipelago, and Bornholm. I have worked in the field of career guidance for many years, but also work in the fields of rural and island studies, youth studies and higher education. I am currently working on a textbook for career guidance students with colleagues in the UK, have recently published a co-edited book on higher education in small islands around the world, and in the autumn will publish a monograph from my PhD (which explored the career and migration routes of higher education students from the Scottish islands).

I also have a call for chapters out at the moment for a book on rural research ethics – and if anyone at DPU is interested in contributing it would be great to hear from you! I previously visited DPU for three months in 2022, and really enjoyed working at the university, so I am very pleased to be coming back. I will be moving with my wife and my 8 year old daughter who are also very much looking forward to the adventure of moving to Copenhagen.