Mark Andrew Elepaño

Ph.d.-studerende i Afdeling for Pædagogisk filosofi og Generel pædagogik. Per 1/5/23. Campus Aarhus

Drew Elepaño is a cotutelle PhD student at the Centre for Global Learning (GLea) in Coventry University and the Danish School of Education (DPU) in Aarhus University. His research critically examines a specific type of doctoral training model referred to as International Collaborative Doctoral Programmes (ICDPs) using case studies of England, Denmark and their industrial partners. The research project sets out to ask: How are ICDPs conceptualized? Why are certain types prioritised/sustained?

Prior to PhD, Drew was an education professional who worked towards enhancing quality and access to education in the Philippines. His areas of expertise lie in planning and managing school operations, evaluating programs, and analysing policy.