Ph.d.-forsvar ved Mathias M. R. Thorborg cand.pæd. i pædagogisk psykologi.
Workshop om GAIs rolle i DPUs undervisnings- og eksamenspraksis.
Bogreception i anledning af udgivelsen af antologien "Performative vendinger. Introduktion til nyere feministisk teori", der er redigeret af Dorthe…
PhD defence by Maya Acharya, MA.
Conference on ethnographic writing
Policy Futures International Webinar Series presents: Keynote: Radhika Gorur. Discussants: Michalinos Zembylas and Catriona Gray
The 1st International Conference on Embodied Education is aimed at conveying a community of people interested in embodied education and the related…
PhD defence by Astrid Olsen, MSc.
Talk by visiting professor Karin Murris, followed by research conversation between Murris and Malou Juelskjær.
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