Inaugural Lecture: Venka Simovska.
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Room A220, 'Festsalen', Danish School of Education, Aarhus University, Campus Emdrup, Tuborgvej 164, 2400 Copenhagen NV

Venka Simovska was appointed as professor in School Development, Wellbeing and Learning 1 October 2015.
Venka Simovska has led the Research Programme ‘Learning for Care, Sustainability and Health’ at DPU, Aarhus University since 2009. Additionally, she is a principal investigator and leader of the AU IDEAS Pilot Centre ‘Schools for Health and Sustainability’, and chairs the international network ‘Research on Health Education’ within the European Educational Research Association.
Simovska has acted as professor with special responsibilities (mso) for the last five years, and has spent more than ten years of her research career at DPU before that. Her research is interdisciplinary, situated within the discourse of Health Promoting Schools, instigated in Europe by the WHO, the Council of Europe and the European Commission in the 90s and employed globally since then; Simovska’s research is recognized both nationally and internationally; it has substantively influenced the research agenda, theoretical development and practice elaboration in the fields of school development, student participation, co-determination, and learning through InterAction in relation to school-related health, wellbeing, social justice and equity as well as in corresponding educational outcomes.
Following the lecture, the Danish School of Education (DPU) management team and the school’s head Claus Holm cordially invite all participants to a reception.
Participation is free, but for practical reasons, please register here