”The first time you kill someone, your mind will not be settled”. Forced resilience, experiences of war, and difficult demobilizations among former violently mobilized children and youth in Acholiland, northern Uganda

PhD defence: Helle Harnisch, MA.

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Fredag 2. juni 2017,  kl. 13:00 - 16:00


Room D174, Danish School of Education, Tuborgvej 164, 2400 Copenhagen NV

(The doors are closed precisely)

Assessment committee

  • Professor Molly Andrews, University of East London, Center for Narrative research
  • Professor Michael G. Wessells, Columbia University, Mailman School of Forced Migration and Health
  • Professor (MSO) Lotte Meinert, (chair), Aarhus University, School of Culture and Society

Main supervisor

  • Associate professor Hans Henrik Knoop, Aarhus University, Danish School of Education


  • Senior Researcher Edith Montgomery, DIGNITY (Danish Institute Against Torture)

The defence will be moderated in English by associate professor Niels Christian Mossfeldt Nickelsen, Aarhus University, Danish School of Education

The dissertation is available for reading at the Danish School of Education, Tuborgvej 164, building D, room 329, administration.

For practical reasons please register for the PhD defence here.