Public Lecture: Postphenomenology – past, present and future perspective

Robert Rosenberger. Associate professor at Georgia Institute of Technology, is a philosopher of technology. He is one of the founders of postphenomenology (with Don Ihde, P.-P. Verbeek et al.) and has been active in the field of science and technology studies for many years.

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Tirsdag 29. oktober 2013,  kl. 15:00 - 16:30


Room A200, Department of Education, Aarhus University, Campus Emdrup, Tuborgvej 164, 2400 Copenhagen NV

The school of thought called postphenome-nology has proven useful for articulating the details the relationships that people develop with technologies, from everyday media to laboratory instrumentation. Here, I review some of the cutting-edge ideas coming from this group of thinkers. This includes ideas about how to conceive of technologies that alter our abilities to perceive or act on the world, and how to think about technologies that are used differently by different users. I also consider how these ideas can be inte-grated into STS investigations into technolo-gies, especially those of the actor-network theory, social construction of technology, and script theory perspective.

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