Post-coloniality and the slogan of respect for diversity in Latin America

MALLL Colloquia with Jason Beech, Director of School of Education, University of San Andrés.

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Torsdag 11. april 2013,  kl. 13:00 - 15:00


Room A414, Department of Education, Aarhus University, Campus Emdrup, Tuborgvej 164, 2400 Copenhagen NV

Through a comparative analysis of the cases of Argentina and Bolivia, this colloquium is aimed at analysing the ways in which the notion of “respect for diversity”, disseminated through global discourses, was interpreted in educational systems in Latin America. Based on post-colonial theories, it will be shown how Western-modern knowledge and ways of classifying the population on the bases of the notion of race influenced the development of modern educational systems in Argentina and Bolivia in different ways. The current situation will then be examined, arguing that given these different historical configurations, the slogan of respect for diversity has been differently interpreted in each of these educational systems.

Pia Cort will serve as moderator.