MA LLL Colloquium

High stakes testing and the globalisation of education policy.

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Fredag 27. april 2012,  kl. 15:00 - 17:00


Department of Education, Aarhus University, Campus Emdrup, Tuborgvej 164, Room A130, 2400 Copenhagen NV

John Polesel
Melbourne University


High stakes testing has become deeply embedded in the educational landscape around the world. This seminar will examine the research evidence on the impacts of high stakes testing on school students and their families, not only in terms of curriculum and learning but also with regards to students’ health and well-being. It asks whether the increasing use of high stakes testing throughout the school years is in the best interests of the students.  It explores the international literature on student’s experience of standardised testing.  Much of the research is from the United States and the United Kingdom, as these are two of the nations with the longest histories of standardised high stakes testing and reporting of student achievement, but it includes evidence from the more recent Australian context. Finally, it suggests a theoretical basis for a forthcoming research study on high stakes testing which the University of Melbourne has been commissioned to undertake in 2012.

Pia Cort will serve as moderator

Participation is free of charge