From Magic Circle to Epistolary Circle: Playing with Our Imaginary Friends

PUP Talk (webinar) - free and open to all

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Mandag 29. november 2021,  kl. 10:00 - 11:30


Online (Zoom)


Press here to register for the event





  • Natasha Taylor is the Head of Educational Development at the Australia College of the Arts in Melbourne, Australia. She leads the COLLARTS Scholarship and Academic Development programmes for staff across 4 schools (Entertainment, Design, Communications and Performance). She is also developing a new Graduate Certificate in Higher Education for creative arts teachers and practitioners. Twitter: @taylor_dr  
  • Catriona Cunningham has recently taken up a new role heading up Department for Learning & Teaching Enhancement which is currently introducing a new institution-wide curriculum framework. Her research background in francophone literature and languages has shaped her current interest in academic identities and internationalisation of the curriculum, particularly decolonising the curriculum. Twitter: @Cunningham_Cat1    
  • Jennie Mills, Associate Professor, co-leads the accredited teaching programme for early career academics at Warwick. Twitter:  @doctorjen    
  • Jenni Carr is Director of the LSE Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education and the Principles of Teaching in Higher Education programmes at LSE. Jenni is convenor of the LSE Creative Pedagogies Community of Practice and leads two upcoming projects (LSE Fringe and LSE Congress), which are part of the creating and innovating stream of the LSE Student Futures initiative. Twitter: @jennicarr8



In January 2020 we (a group of former colleagues) began exchanging letters reflecting on the ways in which our lived experiences of academic development shaped our professional identities. We were attempting to create a methodology for reflection that liberated us from professional norms and expectations through an epistolary exchange. We were looking for an ‘uncanny encounter’, but what we got was a global pandemic, complete with learning and teaching challenges that reshaped our practice. In our article for the upcoming SI Designs for Playful Learning (Carr, Cunningham, Mills, & Taylor, 2021) we draw on strategies of reflection-on- action and then reflection-in-action to take readers through our process of analysing and sharing our practice, and then challenge readers to examine their own practice using the provocations that we designed. In this webinar we will introduce the project and discuss how it has progressed since we submitted the original article. We then invite you into our epistolary circle and demonstrate how you can correspond with our imaginary friends.


Additional Information


Please register before 24.11.2021