European Universities in a Shifting Global Context

A combined workshop/PhD course explores how challenges to the role of universities in European integration are taking place in a shifting global context. 28-30 June 2021 9.00-16.30

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mandag 28. juni 2021, kl. 09:00 - onsdag 30. juni 2021, kl. 16:30


Online (Zoom)

This combined workshop/PhD course explores how challenges to the role of universities in European integration are taking place in a shifting global context. Years of neo-protectionism in the USA, India’s linkages to its wold-wide diaspora in its new science policy and China’s increasing global ambitions embed universities in a complicated dynamic of global science diplomacy. What roles are European universities to play in negotiating international flows of knowledge and people, influencing new paradigms for global standardisation and coordination of higher education and research, or building cohesive global futures?

The workshop/PhD course is part of a project, ‘European Universities – Critical Futures’ where an ever-expanding network of senior and early stage/PhD researchers form an inter-generational learning community that works to generate a new agenda for research on universities in Europe and re-set the conditions of dialogue between researchers, policy makers and other stakeholders.

A Zoom link will be sent to registered participants.


In addition, PhD students, please register with the PhD school here

Organiser: Sue Wright