Double Seminar for All Students from Pæd.Ant. & AEG – and Other Interested

'The anthropological job market in Denmark' and ‘The Danish Anthropological Association’

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Fredag 14. marts 2014,  kl. 13:00 - 14:30


Room A401, Department of Education, Aarhus University, Campus Emdrup, Tuborgvej 164, 2400 Copenhagen NV

'The anthropological job market in Denmark'
teffen Jöhncke (Senior Advisor, Dept. of Anthropology/KU) will present the results from a recent inquiry into the job market for graduates from the Institute of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen. Where do they get jobs? How soon after graduation? How do they use their anthropological training in their jobs? What competences do they feel they lack? Download the report here (in Danish)


‘The Danish Anthropological Association’
Bjarke Oxlund (Ass. Professor, Dept. of Anthropology/KU and Chairman of the Danish Anthropological Association) will introduce to the Danish Anthropological Association, the kind of work it does; the anthropological journal it is associated with, and the opportunities you have for getting involved.

Admission is free.

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