Doctoral Summer School

Join the first Doctoral Summer School Offered by National Doctoral Training Network in Education - the universities of Roskilde, Copenhagen, DPU/Aarhus, Aalborg and Southern Denmark

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mandag 15. august 2011, kl. 00:00 - fredag 19. august 2011, kl. 00:00
  • August 15th to 19 th 2011
  • Venue: Roskilde University
  • Hosted by the Graduate School of Lifelong Learning
Theme: Learning Cultures – Cultures of Learning

International political agendas of education and learning have opened for a broad acknowledgement of learning as taking place throughout life and across many informal as well as formally institutionalized settings. The summer school follows that path of interest. The intention is to present a broad research agenda that combines perspectives of identity and subjectivity with analyses of institutional and societal changes. The theme opens for discussions on how different contexts, institutions and communities are produced as arenas for learning. And it opens for discussions on how cultures are learned, embodied, encoded by persons entering and participating in the context in question. This involves a dynamic understanding of the relationship between learning and culture as a process of constant construction and reconstruction.

Summer School Format

The Summer School is a stimulating scholarly setting in which highly qualified and challenging discussions take place. We advocate a multi-cultural, multi-national, multi-paradigmatic approach to (qualitative) research in different settings like lectures, hands on workshops and workshops where PhD students present research papers.

Read more about the theme and program information:

Guest professors

Professor Tara Fenwick, Stirling University, UK
Professor Lynn Froggett, Lancastershire University, UK
Associate Professor and program director Jette Kofoed, Aarhus University
Professor Catrine Hasse, Aarhus University
Associate Professor Signe Pildal Hansen, Aarhus University
Associate Professor Peter Henrik Raae, University of Southern Denmark
Professor Palle Rasmussen, Aalborg University
Associate Professor and PhD-school director Linda Lundgaard Andersen, Roskilde University
Professor Henning Salling Olesen, Roskilde University
Associate Professor Tomas Ellegaard, Roskilde University
Associate Professor and study director Niels Warring, Roskilde University

Introductory Course August 14th

International students are invited to participate in an introductory course prior to the summer school in order to be introduced and to discuss the implementation of lifelong learning agendas in a Danish context. The tradition of reform pedagogy and research practice– as implemented at Roskilde University-: problem orientation and project based education will be introduces.
For further information and enrollment:

A Venue of Learning Experiences

At the Summer School you will develop your skills to present a research paper, to act as a respectful, constructive and critical discussant, to further develop and enrich your phd study, theory and methods – and to form international and lasting networks in a friendly and challenging atmosphere.