Debate on education and learning (of the adults) – the pros and cons of “learnification”

MALLL Colloquia with Dr. Martin Kopecký Department of Adult Education and Personnel Management, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague.

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Onsdag 10. december 2014,  kl. 09:00 - 12:00


Room A100a, Department of Education, Aarhus University, Campus Emdrup, Tuborgvej 164, 2400 Copenhagen NV

The seminar deals with chosen aspects of the process of individualization in education. It describes the change of vocabulary in education policy and education (and learning) science(s) – a shift from education to learning. The “strongest” version of education interpretation can be found in the concept of Bildung that can be seen as radically different from the concept of competences and skills. The both above mentioned traditions are based on a particular interpretation of freedom. Education (especially as Bildung) is oriented towards an individual that is embedded in a cultural context; learning is connected with psychology and oriented towards achievements. The process of individualization in education was welcomed in 1990s (mostly by authors inspired by postmodernism) but now it is frequently seen as problematic (mostly by thinkers inspired by conservative traditions). The later “camp” works within a tradition of social critical approach and debates problematic aspects of this liberal version of freedom.

Contact: Pia Cort,