CANCELLED: CHEF lunchtime talk: The purpose of the future university

Speakers: Sarah Robinson & Søren Bengtsen, Associate Professors, Centre for Teaching Development and Digital Media, Aarhus University.

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Torsdag 7. december 2017,  kl. 12:00 - 13:00


Campus Aarhus, Nobelparken, building 1483, room 656. Video link to DPU Emdrup, Tuborgvej 164, 2400 Copenhagen NV, Room D118

Neoliberalism and the audit culture have threatened to reduce the purpose of the university as an institution in the 21st century, putting the university into a legitimation crisis. Given that the future is unpredictable and that the world is connected in ways that were unimaginable just two decades ago, we ask:

  • How can the university as an institution and the academics who work in it help to ensure that students are nurtured and adequately prepared for an active role as citizens in a world in which societal, environmental and cultural challenges are shared?
  • How is knowledge to be understood in the context of the contemporary university?
  • And how might the university’s responsibilities towards society be construed, not least for a world that is yet to come?