Are we all still here? Remote supervision of doctoral students

CHEF Talk by Gina Wisker, International Centre for Higher Education Management, University of Bath, UK.

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Fredag 19. juni 2020,  kl. 15:00 - 16:00



The current pandemic has focused as all on ways in which we might change the ways we supervise our doctoral students so that (hopefully) flawlessly and easily we can move to forms of remote or distance supervision which are effective and manageable. The ways in which we change our supervision and our students change their response to that and engagement with the research and writing at a distance during this current very difficult period will probably affect many other ways we work together afterwards in the future.

This session was build on personal experience and recent and more historical research, my own and that of others, to explore some of the challenges, the difficulties and the effective practices which supervisors and students are using to ensure supervision, research and researcher development can continue effectively and productively. I explored experiences and practices along 3 dimensions of the supervision process in the context of moving to remote or distance supervision.

These dimensions are:

a. Personal

b. Learning

c. Institutional

We considered supervisor and student experiences, and effective ways in which the success of this vital developmental dialogue and interaction which leads to knowledge creation, skill development and the attainment of a doctorate can flourish.

This talk had 50 participants from 11 different countries.


Gina Wisker, Gillian Robinson & Miri Shacham (2007) Postgraduate research success: communities of practice involving cohorts, guardian supervisors and online communities, Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 44:3, 301-320, DOI: 10.1080/14703290701486720

The Good Supervisor (2nd Edition). Supervising Postgraduate and Undergraduate Research for Doctoral Theses and Dissertations. Author(s):. Gina Wisker

The good supervisor online (materials, some interactive questions) at Login brighton (creative commons)

Gina wisker youtube at Effective practices in supervising doctoral candidates at a distance UKCGE online webinar April 2020